Monday, February 14, 2011

Amazing Doughnuts

One of my best friends runs her own business and I'm a huge fan.  If you aren't following her on her website and blog then shame on you.  You should become a fan right now! I've taken countless recipes from her and everything I've made is delicious.  Please check her out at the following websites - I promise you will not be disappointed at all. 
Arubula's Kitchen is where you can get weekly menu planning.  And her blog is Running Amuck with Arubula.  I plug her constantly, and not just because we've been friends for 17 years, but because I'm a huge fan of hers :) She is truly talented.  And I love that we share recipes all the time. 

She recently did a blog post about chocolate doughnuts.  I love doughnuts.  Who doesn't?!  We were talking about it and I said that I had to make those soon.  She sent me her base recipe and I couldn't wait to make them!  Finally this weekend rolled around and it was time to make the doughnuts (yes - I went there).  And let me tell you - AMAZING! I seriously can't stop eating them.  The fact that this recipe doesn't have yeast in it (cause we all know how I have issues with yeast) made me want to make them that much more! Super easy and damn tasty!

I get to work on making the dough - so easy.  I love easy recipes.  Anything that isn't too labor intensive is great in my book.  She had warned me ahead of time that once I turn the dough out to chill that it needs to be well floured.  I told her I would flour the crap out of that dough.  And that's what I did. 

you should of seen the amount
i had under the dough!
Off to the freezer it went to firm up.  20 minutes later it was time to cut the doughnuts.  I don't have a doughnut cutter and all my cookie cutters were way too ginormous to use, so I used what was handy in my parents kitchen - a small glass and a nifty looking tall shot glass.  Success. 

doughnuts and doughnut
Once all cut, they go back into the fridge to chill for 20-30 minutes.  Then its time to fry the doughnuts.  I get the oil all ready and away I go.  Now, I've never made doughnuts before, so this was kind of fun for me.  I get the first few in and they puff up and cook nicely.  And of course I eat one after its cooled a little - sooooo good.  I fry away a couple more and then I hit a huge snag.  All of my doughnuts and doughnut holes have stuck to each other!  CRAP! 
What to do?!  I try to pull them apart from each other, but they wanted no such thing.  They were very happy to be stuck together and didn't want to let go.  :(  So I did the only thing I could think of, smooshed it all together to make one massive blob of dough and then pull off balls of dough and fry them up.  So I had a couple of fantastic looking doughnuts and then came this mess of the worlds ugliest looking doughnuts.  It was amusing to say the least. 

Once all fried off, I had two options for toppings.  Cinnamon sugar and a glaze.  Away I go dipping in cinnamon sugar and glaze......who cares if they don't look good!  They taste amazing! 

glazed goodness
These were the best looking ones.  The next photo will give you some chuckles.  Although I did my best to hide the truly strange looking ones underneath the pile. 

at least I got one perfect
doughnut on top :)
So far this morning, I have to say, I can't stop snacking on them.  I left half at my parents house and took the rest home with me and my sisters.  The glazed are all gone and theres only a couple of cinnamon sugar ones left.  Go to my friends website and get the recipe! Become a follower of hers!  Support her amazing talent and love for food!